Janice Phillips Janice Phillips

A Quick and Dirty Guide to the Having Life of your Dreams…Now

It all begins with an idea.

Image by Elly Fairytale

We’ve all heard it said that there’s no manual for life, and that is true to an extent.  We’re all so uniquely different and one size could never fit all when it comes to us complex human beings.  And though there’s no manual, I have found the following 5 things to be a secret formula of sorts to support us in leveling up in all areas of our life.

Take 100% Responsibility For Your Life

You, yes you. If you’re going to have the life of your dreams, you’re going to have to get this idea deep in your bones. Nothing and no one outside of you is responsible for your life. You are a powerful creator who has the power to be do and have whatever you declare and commit to.

Uncover Your Purpose

God did not create any extra humans. Everyone on the planet in this moment is here for a purpose. We are each unique and necessary expressions of Life wanting to experience itself. Identifying and honoring your purpose is one of the most important actions your can take in your life. When we are in alignment with our true purpose we show up as a gift to our loved ones, our communities and to the world.

Get Clear on What You Want

What are you afraid to admit, even to yourself, that you want? I truly believe that a lot of confusion around our desires comes from being afraid that we can’t truly manifest them. If you’re at all feeling stuck in your life, this is probably where the problem lies. If you had no limitations, what would you go for? What heart racing, butt puckering desires have you ignored because you’re afraid you can’t have them happen? Keeping a desire journal is a great way to get down on paper your big scary desires. The truth is the biggest limitations are the ones in our heads. If you’re going to have the life of your dreams you’ll have to commit to being extraordinary and letting go of mediocrity. Your dream life requires, at minimum, that you know what you want.

Use the Power of Goal Setting

One sure fire way to NOT have your visions manifest in the world is to not set specific goals. Writing down your goals can make it 3 times more likely that you’ll have them accomplished. When crafting your goals, make sure that they are SMART. They should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound. This ensures that you and others know when your goal has been met. Let’s face it, accomplishment feels good, and every goal we accomplish moves us closer to having the life of our dreams.

Cultivate Intentional Community

Human beings are wired for community. We’re not meant to navigate this life on our own. It’s said that if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This is the idea behind Masterminds. Cultivating a community where the members are intentional about supporting one another, and taking each other higher a key element to having the life of your dreams. Your community can be a source of accountability so that you’re encouraged to go for what you say you truly desire in your life. I personally have found this to be a game changer.

It is my firm belief that happiness is our birthright. This doesn’t come without our conscious participation however. This is by no means an exhaustive list of what it takes to have the life of your dreams, I do believe however that these ideas are the foundation to going from an ordinary life to one that’s extraordinary.

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